
Introduction (简介)

In this section, you will learn all about version control system, source code management, and version control software. You will get an overall introduction about what is Git, how to install Git on different operating systems and have a full understanding of Git repository. This section will also provide information about the SHH key (Secure Shell network protocol) for secure login. (在本节中,您将学习有关版本控制系统、源代码管理和版本控制软件的所有知识。您将全面了解什么是Git ,如何在不同的操作系统上安装Git ,并全面了解Git存储库。本节还将提供有关安全登录的SHH密钥(安全外壳网络协议)的信息。)

Version Control System

Version Control System (版本控制系统: NAME OF TRANSLATORS)

Version Control System (VCS), also known as Source Code Management (SCM) or Revision Control System (RCS) are software tools for keeping track of changes to the source code over time. Generally, there are three types of version control systems software teams choose: Local Version Control Systems, Centralized Version Control Systems, and Distributed Version Control Systems.

Source Code Management

Source Code Management (源代码管理)

Source code management (SCM) is synonymous with Version control. It is a software tool that programmers use to manage source code. It tracks modifications to a source code repository and helps deal with merge conflicts. With the help of SCM, each developer works independently on a separate branch. SCM provides lots of useful features that make your work even more effective and more manageable. (源代码管理(SCM)是版本控制的同义词。它是程序员用来管理源代码的软件工具。它跟踪对源代码存储库的修改,并帮助处理合并冲突。在SCM的帮助下,每个开发人员都在一个单独的分支上独立工作。SCM提供了许多有用的功能,使您的工作更有效,更易于管理。)

Version Control Software

Version Control Software (版本控制软件)

Version Control Software (VCS) is a beneficial tool contributing to a collaborative software team workflow. It is a must in case of a team with multiple developers. Each company adopts the VCS that suits best to its strategy. The best VCSs are Git, CVS, SVN, Mercurial, Monotone. Find their pros and cons in next chapters. (版本控制软件( VCS )是一种有助于协作软件团队工作流程的有益工具。对于拥有多个开发人员的团队来说,这是必不可少的。每家公司都采用最适合其战略的VCS。最好的VCS是Git、CVS、SVN、Mercurial、Monotone。在下一章中找到他们的优点和缺点。)

What is Git

What is Git (什么是Git)

Git is a version control system that is widely used in the programming world. It is used for tracking changes in the source code during software development. Git is a speedy and efficient distributed tool that handles projects from small to very large ones. Git provides cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows. (Git是一个广泛应用于编程领域的版本控制系统。它用于跟踪软件开发过程中源代码的更改。Git是一种快速高效的分布式工具,可处理从小到大的项目。Git提供廉价的本地分支、方便的暂存区域和多个工作流程。)

Install Git

Install Git (安装Git)

Working with Git starts with installing or updating, if you already have it on your computer. There are three ways to install Git on Mac OS X: Git for Mac installer, Homebrew and MacPorts. Learn the steps of installation on our next pages.


SSH Key (SSH 密钥)

SSH keys are an access credential used in SSH protocol (Secure Shell). A secure shell is a network protocol, which helps to login from one computer to another securely, as well as to manage networks, operating systems, and configurations. (SSH密钥是SSH协议(安全外壳)中使用的访问凭据。安全外壳是一种网络协议,有助于安全地从一台计算机登录到另一台计算机,以及管理网络、操作系统和配置。)

Git Repository

Git Repository (git存储库)

A Git repository is a storage of project files, which makes it possible to save code versions and have access to them. (Git存储库是项目文件的存储,可以保存代码版本并有权访问它们。)


