Python String Formatting

Python String Formatting

As a team of experienced SEO professionals and high-end copywriters, we understand the importance of quality content in outranking other websites on Google. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on Python string formatting that will help you outrank the article on

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility. One of the essential features of Python is string formatting, which allows developers to create dynamic strings by substituting variables and expressions into placeholders within the string. In this guide, we will cover the following topics:

  • What is string formatting?

  • The old way of string formatting

  • The new way of string formatting

  • Formatting numbers

  • Formatting strings

  • Formatting dates and times

  • Advanced string formatting

What is String Formatting?

What is String Formatting?

String formatting is the process of creating formatted strings by substituting values into placeholders within a string. In Python, there are two ways of string formatting: the old way and the new way. The old way of string formatting uses the % operator, while the new way of string formatting uses the format() method.

The Old Way of String Formatting

The Old Way of String Formatting

The old way of string formatting uses the % operator to substitute values into placeholders within a string. Here’s an example:

name = "John"
age = 25
print("My name is %s and I am %d years old." % (name, age))

In this example, the %s and %d are placeholders for the name and age variables, respectively. The values of these variables are substituted into the placeholders using the % operator.

The New Way of String Formatting

The New Way of String Formatting

The new way of string formatting uses the format() method to substitute values into placeholders within a string. Here’s an example:

name = "John"
age = 25
print("My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age))

In this example, the {} are placeholders for the name and age variables, respectively. The values of these variables are substituted into the placeholders using the format() method.

Formatting Numbers

Formatting Numbers

Python provides various ways of formatting numbers. Here are some examples:

x = 123.456789
print("The number is {:.2f}".format(x))
print("The number is {:,}".format(x))
print("The number is {:+}".format(x))

In the first example, {:.2f} formats the number to two decimal places. In the second example, {:,} formats the number with a comma separator. In the third example, {:+} formats the number with a plus sign for positive numbers and a minus sign for negative numbers.

Formatting Strings

Formatting Strings

Python provides various ways of formatting strings. Here are some examples:

name = "John"
print("Hello, %s!" % name)
print("Hello, {}!".format(name))
print(f"Hello, {name}!")

In the first example, %s is a placeholder for the name variable. In the second example, {} is a placeholder for the name variable. In the third example, {name} is a placeholder for the name variable inside a f-string.

Formatting Dates and Times

Formatting Dates and Times

Python provides various ways of formatting dates and times. Here are some examples:

import datetime

date =
print("The date and time is {}".format(date))
print("The date and time is {: %B %d, %Y}".format(date))

In the first example, {} is a placeholder for the date variable, which is a datetime object. In the second example, {: %B %d, %Y} formats the date object to a string with the format “Month Day, Year”.

Advanced String Formatting

Advanced String Formatting

There are several additional techniques that Python offers to make string formatting even more flexible and powerful.

One such technique is using named placeholders. Instead of using positional placeholders (i.e., {}), you can use named placeholders to make your code more readable and understandable. Here’s an example:

person = {"name": "John", "age": 25}
print("My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.".format(**person))

In this example, {name} and {age} are named placeholders that correspond to the “name” and “age” keys in the person dictionary. The ** operator is used to unpack the dictionary and pass its values as keyword arguments to the format() method.

Another useful technique is using format specifiers to control the width, precision, and alignment of placeholders. Here are some examples:

x = 123.456789

In the first example, {:<10.2f} formats the number to two decimal places and left-aligns it within a field of width 10. In the second example, {:,.2f} formats the number with a comma separator and two decimal places.

In addition to these techniques, Python also offers several built-in format strings that can be used to format strings, numbers, and dates/times. Here are some examples:

x = 123
print("The number is {:x}".format(x))
print("The number is {:o}".format(x))
print("The number is {:b}".format(x))
print("The number is {:e}".format(x))
print("The date and time is {:c}".format(date))

In these examples, {:x} formats the number as a hexadecimal string, {:o} formats the number as an octal string, {:b} formats the number as a binary string, {:e} formats the number in scientific notation, and {:c} formats the date/time as a character.



In this guide, we’ve covered the basics of Python string formatting, including the old way and the new way of formatting strings, formatting numbers, formatting strings, formatting dates and times, and advanced string formatting techniques. By implementing these techniques, you can create dynamic, flexible, and powerful strings in your Python code that can help you solve complex problems and achieve your goals.


