Python JSON

Python JSON

We have prepared a comprehensive guide on Python JSON that will help you understand how to use JSON in Python programming. JSON is a popular data exchange format used in web services and APIs, and it’s essential to understand how to work with it in Python. (我们准备了一份关于Python JSON的综合指南,将帮助您了解如何在Python编程中使用JSON。JSON是Web服务和API中使用的流行数据交换格式,了解如何在Python中使用它至关重要。)

Introduction to Python JSON

Introduction to Python JSON (Python JSON简介)

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and it’s a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and for machines to parse and generate. Python comes with a built-in module called json that provides methods for working with JSON data. (JSON代表JavaScript对象表示法,它是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,易于人类读写以及机器解析和生成。Python附带了一个名为json的内置模块,它提供了处理JSON数据的方法。)

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

  • JSON Syntax and Data Types (- JSON语法和数据类型)

  • Encoding and Decoding JSON in Python (-在Python中编码和解码JSON)

  • Working with Nested JSON Data (-使用嵌套的JSON数据)

  • Parsing JSON from a URL (-从URL解析JSON)

  • Generating JSON from Python Objects (-从Python对象生成JSON)

JSON Syntax and Data Types

JSON Syntax and Data Types (JSON语法和数据类型)

JSON data is represented as key-value pairs, similar to a Python dictionary. A key is always a string, enclosed in double quotes, and a value can be a string, number, object, array, boolean, or null. JSON does not support comments, but it allows for the use of whitespace to enhance readability. (JSON数据表示为键值对,类似于Python字典。键始终是字符串,用双引号括起来,值可以是字符串、数字、对象、数组、布尔值或空值。JSON不支持注释,但允许使用空格来增强可读性。)

Here’s an example of JSON data:

 "name": "John Doe",
 "age": 30,
 "city": "New York",
 "hobbies": ["reading", "traveling", "photography"]

Encoding and Decoding JSON in Python

Encoding and Decoding JSON in Python (在Python中编码和解码JSON)

The json module provides two methods for working with JSON data: json.dumps() for encoding Python objects into JSON format and json.loads() for decoding JSON data into Python objects.

Here’s an example of encoding a Python dictionary into JSON format:

import json

person = {
   "name": "John Doe",
   "age": 30,
   "city": "New York",
   "hobbies": ["reading", "traveling", "photography"]

json_data = json.dumps(person)

The output will be:

{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York", "hobbies": ["reading", "traveling", "photography"]}

Here’s an example of decoding JSON data into Python objects:

import json

json_data = '{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York", "hobbies": ["reading", "traveling", "photography"]}'
person = json.loads(json_data)

The output will be:

{'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York', 'hobbies': ['reading', 'traveling', 'photography']}

Working with Nested JSON Data

Working with Nested JSON Data (使用嵌套的JSON数据)

JSON data can also contain nested objects and arrays. Here’s an example of a nested JSON object:

 "name": {
   "first": "John",
   "last": "Doe"
 "age": 30,
 "city": "New York",
 "hobbies": ["reading", "traveling", "photography"]

To access the nested data in Python, we can use the dot notation or the square bracket notation. Here’s an example of accessing the first name:

import json

json_data = '{"name": {"first": "John", "last": "Doe"}, "age": 30, "city": "New York", "hobbies": ["reading", "traveling", "photography"]}'
person = json.loads(json_data)


The output will be:


Parsing JSON from a URL

Parsing JSON from a URL (从URL解析JSON)

In many cases, you may need to parse JSON data from a URL. The json module provides the json.load() method to load JSON data from a file or URL. Here’s an example of parsing JSON data from a URL:

import json
import urllib.request

with urllib.request.urlopen("") as url:
   data = json.loads(


In this example, we are using the urllib.request module to open the URL and read the JSON data. Then we are decoding the data and loading it into a Python object using the json.loads() method. (在此示例中,我们使用urllib.request模块打开URL并读取JSON数据。然后,我们对数据进行解码,并使用json.loads ()方法将其加载到Python对象中。)


Conclusion (结论)

In this article, we have covered the basics of working with JSON data in Python. We have learned how to encode and decode JSON data, work with nested JSON data, parse JSON data from a URL, and generate JSON data from Python objects. (在本文中,我们介绍了在Python中使用JSON数据的基础知识。我们已经学会了如何编码和解码JSON数据,使用嵌套的JSON数据,从URL解析JSON数据,以及从Python对象生成JSON数据。)

By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can create high-quality Python code that effectively handles JSON data. With a deeper understanding of JSON, you can build more robust and efficient applications that meet your business needs. (通过遵循本指南中概述的最佳实践,您可以创建有效处理JSON数据的高质量Python代码。通过深入了解JSON ,您可以构建更强大、更高效的应用程序,以满足您的业务需求。)


