In HTML5, the SVG elements can be embedded directly into your HTML page. (在HTML5中, SVG元素可以直接嵌入到HTML页面中。)
If the SVG is written in XML, all elements should be appropriately closed! (>如果SVG是用XML编写的,则应适当关闭所有元素!)
Shape elements in SVG
Shape elements in SVG (SVG中的形状元素)
SVG has some predetermined shape elements. Here they are: (SVG有一些预定的形状元素。具体如下:)
rectangle <rect>
circle <circle>
ellipse <ellipse>
line <line>
polyline <polyline>
polygon <polygon>
path <path>
Example of embedding SVG into HTML page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
<svg width="300" height="200">
<circle cx="150" cy="100" r="50" stroke="purple" stroke-width="5" fill="pink" />
Now let’s understand the code: (现在我们来了解一下代码:)
An SVG image always starts with an <svg> tag.
The SVG image’s width and height are specified by the width and height attributes of the <svg> element.
The <circle> element draws a circle.
The cx and cy attributes specify the x and y coordinates of the circle’s center. If cx and cy are absent, the center of the circle is set to (0, 0). (- cx和cy属性指定圆心x和y坐标。如果cx和cy不存在,则圆的中心设置为(0, 0)。)
The r attribute is used to specify the radius of the circle. (- r属性用于指定圆的半径。)
The stroke and stroke-width attributes control the appearance of the outline of a shape. In our code example, we have set the outline of the circle to a 5px purple “border.” (-描边和描边宽度属性控制形状轮廓的外观。在我们的代码示例中,我们将圆的轮廓设置为5px的紫色“边框”。)
The fill attribute sets a color within the circle. We set it to pink. (-填充属性在圆内设置颜色。我们将其设置为粉红色。)
The SVG image is closed with the closing </svg> tag.