HTML <rtc> Tag
The HTML <rtc> element specifies semantic annotations of characters that are presented in <rb> elements used inside a <ruby>. The <rb> elements can have both semantic (<rtc>) and pronunciation (<rt>) annotations.
Ruby annotations are usually used in East Asian typography. Rubi characters are small, annotative characters that are placed above or to the right of a Chinese character to show the pronunciation.
The <rtc> tag is one of the HTML5 elements.
The <rtc> tag comes in pairs. The content is written between the opening (<rtc>) and closing (</rtc>) tags. The closing tag of the <rtc> element may be omitted when is immediately followed by <rb>, <rt>, <rp> or <rtc>, or when there isn’t any content in the parent element.
Example of the HTML <rtc> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
<rtc>San Francisco</rtc>
The <rtc> tag supports the Global Attributes and Event Attributes.