ASCII, the acronym for the “American Standard Code for Information Interchange” is the first character-encoding scheme used between computers on the Internet. (ASCII , “美国信息交换标准代码”的首字母缩写,是互联网上计算机之间使用的第一个字符编码方案。)
Modern character encoding schemes like UTF-8 and ISO-8859 are built on ASCII. (现代字符编码方案(如UTF-8和ISO-8859 )建立在ASCII之上。)
The ASCII Character Set
The ASCII Character Set (ASCII 字符集)
ASCII Character Set was designed in the ’60s, as a standard character set for computers and hardware devices, such as printers and tape drives. (ASCII字符集是在60年代设计的,作为计算机和硬件设备(如打印机和磁带机)的标准字符集。)
Originally ASCII is based on the English alphabet, and it’s a 7-bit character set containing 128 characters: the numbers 0-9, uppercase and lowercase English letters from A to Z, some basic punctuation symbols and some special characters.
The character sets used in modern computers, HTML, and Internet are all based on ASCII. (现代计算机、HTML和互联网中使用的字符集都基于ASCII。)
Below, you can find table lists that contain 128 ASCII characters and their equivalent HTML entity codes (下面,您可以找到包含128个ASCII字符及其等效HTML实体代码的表列表)
ASCII Printable Characters
ASCII Printable Characters (ASCII可打印字符)
ASCII Character | HTML Entity Code | Description |
space | ||
! | ! | exclamation mark |
" | " | quotation mark |
# | # | number sign |
$ | $ | dollar sign |
% | % | percent sign |
& | & | ampersand |
' | ' | apostrophe |
( | ( | left parenthesis |
) | ) | right parenthesis |
* | * | asterisk |
+ | + | plus sign |
, | , | comma |
- | - | hyphen |
. | . | period |
/ | / | slash |
0 | 0 | digit 0 |
1 | 1 | digit 1 |
2 | 2 | digit 2 |
3 | 3 | digit 3 |
4 | 4 | digit 4 |
5 | 5 | digit 5 |
6 | 6 | digit 6 |
7 | 7 | digit 7 |
8 | 8 | digit 8 |
9 | 9 | digit 9 |
: | : | colon |
; | ; | semicolon |
< | < | less-than |
= | = | equals-to |
> | > | greater-than |
? | ? | question mark |
@ | @ | at sign |
A | A | uppercase A |
B | B | uppercase B |
C | C | uppercase C |
D | D | uppercase D |
E | E | uppercase E |
F | F | uppercase F |
G | G | uppercase G |
H | H | uppercase H |
I | I | uppercase I |
J | J | uppercase J |
K | K | uppercase K |
L | L | uppercase L |
M | M | uppercase M |
N | N | uppercase N |
O | O | uppercase O |
P | P | uppercase P |
Q | Q | uppercase Q |
R | R | uppercase R |
S | S | uppercase S |
T | T | uppercase T |
U | U | uppercase U |
V | V | uppercase V |
W | W | uppercase W |
X | X | uppercase X |
Y | Y | uppercase Y |
Z | Z | uppercase Z |
[ | [ | left square bracket |
|\ | backslash | |
] | ] | right square bracket |
^ | ^ | caret |
_ | _ | underscore |
` | ` | grave accent |
a | a | lowercase a |
b | b | lowercase b |
c | c | lowercase c |
d | d | lowercase d |
e | e | lowercase e |
f | f | lowercase f |
g | g | lowercase g |
h | h | lowercase h |
i | i | lowercase i |
j | j | lowercase j |
k | k | lowercase k |
l | l | lowercase l |
m | m | lowercase m |
n | n | lowercase n |
o | o | lowercase o |
p | p | lowercase p |
q | q | lowercase q |
r | r | lowercase r |
s | s | lowercase s |
t | t | lowercase t |
u | u | lowercase u |
v | v | lowercase v |
w | w | lowercase w |
x | x | lowercase x |
y | y | lowercase y |
z | z | lowercase z |
{ | { | left curly brace |
| | ||
} | } | right curly brace |
~ | ~ | tilde |
ASCII Device Control Characters
ASCII Device Control Characters (ASCII设备控制字符)
The ASCII device control characters (except horizontal tab, line feed, and carriage return) have nothing to do inside an HTML document. Originally ASCII control characters (range 00-31, plus 127) were designed to control hardware devices. (ASCII设备控制字符(水平选项卡、换行和回车除外)在HTML文档中无关。最初, ASCII控制字符(范围00-31 ,加上127 )被设计用于控制硬件设备。)
ASCII Character | HTML Entity Code | Description |
NUL | � | null character |
SOH | start of header | |
STX | start of text | |
ETX | end of text | |
EOT | end of transmission | |
ENQ | enquiry | |
ACK | acknowledge | |
BEL | bell (ring) | |
BS | backspace | |
HT | horizontal tab | |
LF | line feed | |
VT | vertical tab | |
FF | form feed | |
CR | carriage return | |
SO | shift out | |
SI | shift in | |
DLE | data link escape | |
DC1 | device control 1 | |
DC2 | device control 2 | |
DC3 | device control 3 | |
DC4 | device control 4 | |
NAK | negative acknowledge | |
SYN | synchronize | |
ETB | end transmission block | |
CAN | cancel | |
EM | end of medium | |
SUB | substitute | |
ESC | escape | |
FS | file separator | |
GS | group separator | |
RS | record separator | |
US | unit separator | |
DEL | | delete (rubout) |