HTML5 Tags
HTML5 Elements Reference (HTML5元素参考)
HTML5 is a set of technologies for building more diverse and powerful web sites and applications, which support multimedia, interact with software interfaces, structure documents, etc. (HTML5是一套用于构建更多样化和功能更强大的网站和应用程序的技术,支持多媒体、与软件界面交互、结构化文档等。)
Here you can find the complete list of the new elements in HTML5. (在这里,您可以找到HTML5中新元素的完整列表。)
New Structural/Semantic Elements
New Structural/Semantic Elements (新的结构/语义元素)
Elements | Description |
<article> | Defines an independent, self-contained content. |
<aside> | Defines a section with additional information related to the content around the aside element. |
<bdi> | Isolates bidirectional text (when a language with right-to-left directionality, such as Arabic or Hebrew, is used in line with left-to-right languages). |
<details> | Contains additional details, that the user can open and view. |
<dialog> | Specifies a dialog box or window. |
<figcaption> | Adds a caption or explanation to the contents of the <figure> tag. |
<figure> | Specifies a self-contained content. |
<footer> | Defines the footer of a web page or a section. |
<header> | Defines a header of a page or a section. |
<main> | Specifies a document’s main content. |
<mark> | Marks a part of the text which has relevance. |
<meter> | Defines a scalar measurement in the known range or graphic representation of a fractional number. |
<nav> | Defines a block of navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents. |
<progress> | Displays the progress of the task (progress bar). |
<rp> | Defines an alternative text, displayed in the browsers, that do not support the <ruby> tag. |
<rt> | Adds annotations at the top and bottom of the text, inserted in the <ruby> tag. |
<ruby> | Defines furigana (also called yomigana or ruby), phonetic tips in Japanese and East Asian languages. |
<section> | Creates standalone sections within a webpage containing logically connected content. |
<summary> | Defines the visible header for the <details> element. |
<time> | Defines a human-readable time on a 24-hour clock or a precise date in the Gregorian calendar. |
<wbr> | Instructs the browser, where in the text a line-break could be added. |
New Media Elements
New Media Elements (媒体元素)
Elements | Description |
<audio> | Indicates the variations of the same audio file. |
<embed> | Is used as a container for external applications, multimedia and interactive content that the browser doesn’t understand. |
<source> | Defines multiple media resources in different format: video, audio or image. |
<track> | Specifies text tracks for media elements. |
<video> | Embeds video on an HTML document. |
New Form Elements
New Form Elements (新表单元素)
Elements | Description |
<datalist> | Creates a list of input options, predefined by the <input> tag. |
<output> | Defines a place for representing the result of a calculation performed by a script or user’s interaction with a form element (<form> tag). |
<keygen> | Responsible for generating a pair of keys (public and private), that are used to encrypt and decrypt data sent to the server when an HTML form is submitted |
HTML5 Graphics
HTML5 Graphics (HTML5图形)
Elements | Description |
<canvas> | Defines an area on the web page, where we can create different objects, images, animations, photo compositions via scripts. |
<svg> | Draws scalable vector graphics. |