git merge

Git merge (Git合并)


Definition (定义)

The git merge command integrates the independent lines of development into a single branch. The git merge command goes hand in hand with the git checkout command to select the current branch and the git branch command with the -d flag to delete the obsolete target branch. Read about these commands in our previous chapters.

How it works

How it works (运作方式)

The primary use of git merge is to combine two branches. It is also used to merge multiple commits into one history. In the following illustration, git merge takes two branch tips and finds a common case commit between them. The common base commit creates a new commit that merges the changes of the sequence of each merge commit. Here we have two branches: a master and a stage. We should merge the stage branch to the master branch.

Merge commits are unique because they have two parent commits. Git automatically merges separate histories when a new merge commit is created. It will not combine the data that is changed in both histories. This is what is called “version control conflict”. (合并提交是唯一的,因为它们有两个父提交。创建新的合并提交时, Git会自动合并单独的历史记录。它不会合并两个历史记录中更改的数据。这就是所谓的“版本控制冲突”。)

Merging process

Merging process (合并过程)

Before the merging process we should take some steps. (在合并过程之前,我们应该采取一些步骤。)

  • Firstly, invoke git status so that to point HEAD to the correct merge-receiving branch. Run git checkout <receiving branch> to switch to the receiving branch.

  • The next step is to fetch latest remote commits. The receiving branch and the merging branch should be updated with the latest remote changes. Invoke git fetch to pull the latest remote commits. After the fetching process invoke git pull to update the master branch. (-下一步是获取最新的远程提交。接收分支和合并分支应使用最新的远程更改进行更新。调用git fetch提取最新的远程提交。获取过程结束后,调用git pull更新master分支。)

  • The final step is executing git merge <branch name> which is the name of the branch to be merged into the receiving branch.

Fast forward merge

Fast forward merge (快进合并)

A fast-forward merge occurs the path from the current branch to the target branch is linear. The fast-forward merge combines the histories, as all the commits that are reachable from the target branch are available through the current branch. Here’s an example of a fast-forward merge:

When the two histories are diverged, Git uses the 3-way merge as an alternative. 3-way merge uses a dedicated commit to combine two histories. (当两个历史记录分离时, Git使用三方合并作为替代方案。三方合并使用专用提交来组合两个历史记录。)

A fast-forward merges are used to fix bugs and small features, whereas 3-way merges are used to integrate long-running features. The following examples use a fast-forward merge:

# Start the stage
git checkout -b stage master
# Edit some files
git add <file>
git commit -m "Start with the stage"
# Edit some files
git add <file>
git commit -m "Finish with the stage"
# Merge in the stage branch
git checkout master
git merge stage
git branch -d stage

We run the git branch -d to delete the stage branch, as stage is now accessible from the master branch.

The git merge command with the –no-ff option is run if you require a merge commit during a fast-forward merge to merge the specified branch into the current branch always generating a merge commit (also, in the case of a fast-forward merge):

git merge --no-ff <branch>

3-way merge

3-way merge (三方合并)

Another example which requires a 3-way merge as the master branch progresses while the stage is in progress. This is used when members of the team work on the large feature simultaneously:

# Start the stage
git checkout -b stage master
# Edit some files
git add <file>
git commit -m "Start with the stage"
# Edit some files
git add <file>
git commit -m "Finish with the stage"
# Develop the master branch
git checkout master
# Edit some files
git add <file>
git commit -m "Make some super-stable changes to master"
# Merge in the stage branch
git merge stage
git branch -d stage

In the above example, stage would be a larger feature taking much time to develop, that is why we use a 3-way merge. If your feature is small, you had better use a fast-forward merge to prevent unnecessary commits messing up the project history. (在上面的示例中, stage是一个更大的特征,需要花费大量时间来开发,这就是为什么我们使用3向合并。如果您的功能很小,则最好使用快进合并,以防止不必要的提交扰乱项目历史记录。)

Resolving conflict

Resolving conflict (解决冲突)

When you want to merge two branches and the same part of the same file is changed, merging conflicts occur as Git cannot figure out which version to use. When this happens, it stops before the merge commit so as to resolve that conflict. Git merging process uses edit/stage/commit workflow for resolving merge conflicts.When conflict occurs executing git status will display the files that need to be resolved. The following picture will show up when the same parts of the example.txt file have been changed:

On branch master
Unmerged paths:
(use "git add/rm ..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
both modified: example.txt

How conflicts are presented

How conflicts are presented (冲突的呈现方式)

In the case of conflicts, Git edits the content of the affected files with the visual marks both sides of the conflicted content. Merge conflicts only occur in the case of a 3-way merge. (在冲突的情况下, Git会编辑受影响文件的内容,并用视觉标记冲突内容的两面。合并冲突仅在三方合并的情况下发生。)

These markers are: <<<<<<<, =======, and »»»>. They help you search for a project for these indicators to find the conflicted parts.

here is some content not affected by the conflict
<<<<<<< master
this is conflicted text from master
this is conflicted text from stage branch

After finding the conflicted parts, you execute git add on the conflicted file to instruct Git they are resolved. Next, run git commit to generating the merge commit.


